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$ 0.01509
-0.11 %
0.025001883471737 24H最高
0.02350159303041 24H最低
0.76652091429351 历史最高
0.010126484462108 历史最低
15366338.7 24H成交量
372480.05 24H成交额
10亿 总量
0 市值
6.38% 24H波幅
0 流通数量
0.025063606797028 昨开
0.024033399450293 昨收
30.00 % 流通率
  • CANTO币介绍
Canto presents the radical notion that core DeFi primitives should exist as Free Public Infrastructure (FPI). Having observed the growth of the DeFi space, three core primitives have emerged to anchor any healthy DeFi ecosystem: decentralized exchanges (DEX), lending markets, and a decentralized unit of account. Canto chooses to launch all these core DeFi primitives as public utility protocols, or Free Public Infrastructure (FPI).
Canto presents the radical notion that core DeFi primitives should exist as Free Public Infrastructure (FPI). Having observed the growth of the DeFi space, three core primitives have emerged to anchor any healthy DeFi ecosystem: decentralized exchanges (DEX), lending markets, and a decentralized unit of account. Canto chooses to launch all these core DeFi primitives as public utility protocols, or Free Public Infrastructure (FPI).